A brief update

Entry posted on 2010-09-08 3:52 pm

Hello everyone :) If you’ve been here before (in the past years when the website has been on hiatus, pretty much) you have probably noticed the slight changes in the home page: an inclusion of the major scripts available here. Yes, it is an indication that I have stopped “ignoring” my scripts archive. Rejoice!

I will not be getting back into hobby coding just yet, but I’ve been coming back slowly to work on some of my websites. As Indiscripts has been broken in different ways over the past few years, naturally it was the first one I came back to fix. I haven’t finished with it yet–there will be a couple more fixes incoming–but if you see anything amiss right now with the website, let me know anyway :)

Please note that this does not change the “status” of my scripts, which is basically “what you download is what you get”, and unsupported by myself. I will be relatively protective of my revived interest in my hobby websites and so I cannot let myself rush headlong into any support capacity. I hope you understand. Thanks!

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12 comments to “A brief update”

  1. Nelson

    That’s good news, Angela!

  2. Angela

    Thanks! :)

  3. Tyler

    Oh this is good. :)

  4. Angela

    Thanks, Tyler :)

  5. Marisha

    Great news :) Glad to see you back!

  6. Angela

    Thank you :)

  7. Susy

    Great to see you back and thank you so much for your amazing scripts!

  8. Erin Nicole

    YAY! I’m glad you came back. I love Enthusiast and some other scripts you have. Although, you still aren’t supporting them, necessarily, I’m just glad to see that eventually they will be updated! :)

  9. Mysti

    This is wonderful news Angela. I am a huge lover of enthusiast. Thought my interests change my love for fanlistings rarely does and enthusiast has always been there for me. Now If I could just figure out how to get Enth to play nice with WordPress Id really be on a roll.

  10. Fatima

    I’m so glad to see you back! ^_^ I hope everything is going well!

  11. Kelex

    YOU ARE THE WRITER OF THE ICON TABLE GENERATOR. I just noticed the link back here, when I was cruising the information about Enthusiast, and I just had to tell you, your generator has been A LIFESAVER. I have a couple of icon journals, on Insanejournal as well as Livejournal, and your script has been a miracleworker, it really has been. Thank you so much for making it available!

  12. Angela

    Thanks, everyone :)

    @Mysti: It’s also something I want to figure out myself eventually :)

    @Kelex: I’m glad it’s been useful! :D

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