Scripts.Indisguise.Org Redone
Yay for revamps! It’s only been a while since the last one, but while I was doing Enthusiast support stuff, I had this strong impulse to redo my scripts archive and actually start implementing my long-term plans for it — so now here we are, the redone Indiscripts! This isn’t just a new look and the new recent scripts section, but it comes with a new Tutorials section plus the updates blog being turned into an actual tech/webdev/etc blog.
I’d been meaning to ramble and wax verbose on “geeky” subjects and thoughts and whatnot, and I had always felt a trifle guilty whenever I did that on eljay (a.k.a. Seasonal Wanderer) because it’s really more of a personal journal, Dear Diary and all that jazz. Hence, here you are — Indiscripts transformed into a proper blog but still containing the core stuff (read: my scripts).
It’s almost eleven and I need sleep, so I’m off after this quick website update post. There are still some things that need to be done: post categories, post tags, spruce up how the post comments look, etc — but for now this will have to do. Yay for quasi-beginnings!