Scripts.Indisguise.Org Redone

Entry posted on 2006-12-11 10:40 pm

Yay for revamps! It’s only been a while since the last one, but while I was doing Enthusiast support stuff, I had this strong impulse to redo my scripts archive and actually start implementing my long-term plans for it — so now here we are, the redone Indiscripts! This isn’t just a new look and the new recent scripts section, but it comes with a new Tutorials section plus the updates blog being turned into an actual tech/webdev/etc blog.

I’d been meaning to ramble and wax verbose on “geeky” subjects and thoughts and whatnot, and I had always felt a trifle guilty whenever I did that on eljay (a.k.a. Seasonal Wanderer) because it’s really more of a personal journal, Dear Diary and all that jazz. Hence, here you are — Indiscripts transformed into a proper blog but still containing the core stuff (read: my scripts).

It’s almost eleven and I need sleep, so I’m off after this quick website update post. There are still some things that need to be done: post categories, post tags, spruce up how the post comments look, etc — but for now this will have to do. Yay for quasi-beginnings!

Enthusiast documentation and online demos

Entry posted on 2006-11-26 12:10 pm

Yesterday was quite a busy day for me! I added various pages to Indiscripts, notably in the new Documentation section of Enthusiast: Documentation for Enthusiast 2.x, Changelog (for 3.1, though, even though it’s not yet released!), and I’ve redone the Road Map a little bit. :) The latter is now clearer in terms of what plans I have for Enthusiast.

Notably, I have also uploaded online demos — this isn’t a new thing for Enth 2.x, but you may be interested in the online demo for Enth 3.x — after all, what’s loaded is 3.1, and not 3.0 :) It’s not yet released but I’m putting it up as a sneak preview of sorts. December is just a few days away, after all. These demos will “reset” everyday at 3am (server time) — all data will be deleted from the demos and reloaded with a “clean” install. Additionally, you won’t be able to send/receive email from either of these demos; for 3.x, certain sections are disabled.

If you’re interested in taking a peek of what’s up with 3.1, head on over to the Enthusiast features page to find out. :)

Quick website update post

Entry posted on 2006-09-13 2:00 pm

Hello everyone, I wanted to post about this in a post that also was connected with my other scripts, but I figure this is important enough to post on its own — I’ve had reports that a minority of my visitors are having problems downloading the scripts from the WordPress-powered site — they get redirected to a missing page link. If you have this problem, then head over to the Indiscripts quick download page, where there are ONLY download links. All the content will still be here, but that serves as a quick “jump page” of sorts for downloading my scripts, if you need it. :)

Indiscripts Revamp

Entry posted on 2006-07-30 2:12 pm

Whew! I just went and gave Indiscripts a revamp—now it’s run by WordPress, which I think should ultimately help me keep the site updated. I spent quite a while debugging my downloads script to work with WordPress, and though it’s not as integrated as a plugin, I’m pretty happy that it still works.

I plan to add other sections in the future, such as finally put the Enthusiast documentation online, which should also help with my plans to expand it, a help section, and the like. I mean to add a tutorials section as well, and move/copy some of my other tutorials here, as this is my “tech” space.

Of course, the not-so-good part is, the FAQ is gone. It had its uses, although to be frank I don’t feel too distressed with its loss because it has become a place for people to ask the same questions over and over again. No, people, just because I said don’t use the contact form to ask me for help, doesn’t mean you can ask on the FAQ script, or you can message me on any chat program or messenger to ask me to help you, sorry. There’s a support forum for that.

Lastly, I’m hoping to wrap up the beta testing of Enth 3.1 soon! We’re ironing out the last kinks, making sure it works in higher database versions, and the like. I’m pretty psyched with the new features, so I hope you will be too!

Site back up, phpSiteSkin renamed

Entry posted on 2005-10-22 10:17 pm

Finally put Indiscripts back up! I apologize profusely for having it down for almost two months. I went through a server move and, idiot as I am, didn’t back up my files and my databases. ;_; Hence this is an almost all-new site — the biggest hit would probably be the FAQ pages, sigh.

Again, I apologize. If you see anything wrong with the site, please let me know!

What’s notable about this update, however, is that I updated phpSiteSkin — I renamed the script to plain “SiteSkin”, plus fixed a bug that Mia found. :) Also, uploaded a new page for Enth: Future Features. :)