
The following lists the steps needed to install Enthusiast 2.x.

  1. Unzip; it should create a directory named backend.
  2. Modify the backend/ file by opening it in a text editor (such as Notepad). The following is a list of the variables that may be edited:
    This is the administration panel directory, relative to the fanlisting root. This variable may be left pointing to 'backend/'. The trailing slash is important when modifying this variable.
    The type of listing being run, i.e., 'fanlisting' or 'hatelisting' or 'clique'.
    This variable disables the country field (i.e., for cliques) if set to true.
    Setting this variable to false will disable affiliates for the fanlisting.
    Seting this variable to false will prompt the system to sort the members list using a bulletted list instead of a dropdown select menu.
    This is the password that will be used to log into the administration panel.
    Name of the owner; will be displayed in emails sent out by Enthusiast.
    Name/title of the listing.
    Subject of the listing.
    Email address of the owner with regards to the listing.
    Website URL of the listing.
    Your host/account’s database server, usually 'localhost' — but some hosting providers have different database servers, like DreamHost. If 'localhost' doesn’t work (it tells you you can’t connect), ask your hosting provider for the correct values.
    The username needed to connect to your database. You will need to either set this up in your hosting account’s control panel, or ask your host for this value.
    The password needed to connect to your database, using the username provided above.
    The name of the database for your installation. You will need to either set this up in your hosting account’s control panel, or ask your host for this value.
    The name of the table within the database for your listing. This will be created by the installation script bundled with Enthusiast; but you must enter the table name you wish. All lowercase, and just one word.
    This variable will sort the members via the same database column name specified; you may leave this to 'country' unless if, for example, you want to have an additional column and wish to sort by that (i.e., 'favebook', 'favecharacter', etc. The script will immediately find all unique values members have entered for that field and use it to sort members.
    If you set this to true, then the members list will always show the value of the field you are sorting with in the member list. For example, if you set the $fl_sort variable to 'country' and you want the members list to always show the country of the member even if the visitor is viewing members from a certain country (not “All members”), then set this to true.
    Shows how many members are shown per page of the listing’s members list.
    This is where links open (value of target attribute in the a tag).
    Set $additional_field to true if you would like to have additional fields.
    This array variable holds the column names of your additional fields and must be lowercase, no spaces. Do not delete the first line which contains the declaration, although you should delete the next lines if you have additional fields disabled:

    $additional_field = true; // do NOT delete this line!
    $additional_field_names = array(); // do NOT delete this line!
    $additional_field_names[] = 'fieldone'; // either delete or modify this line; you can add more too
    $additional_field_names[] = 'fieldtwo'; // either delete or modify this line; you can add more too
    URL to the members list page of the fanlisting.
    URL to the update form page of the fanlisting (you may use URLs of the form index.php?page=update).
    URL to the join form page of the fanlisting (you may use URLs of the form index.php?page=join).
    URL to the lost password form page of the fanlisting (you may use URLs of the form index.php?page=lostpass).
    This is the spacer for affiliates list, which is optional. For example, if you want them to be separated only by a space, leave it as it is; if you want affiliate to be listed on each line, set it to '<br />'.
    $default_width and $default_height
    These are the default width and height of affiliate images, which is optional. This is commented by default (no value). If you use one image size for your affiliates, uncomment (take away the '//' before each line) the lines below and plug the correct values in the variable:

    //$default_width = '88';
    //$default_height = '31';

    Optional step: modify the signup/approval/update email templates found in the backend/email/ directory. See Template Variables for list of special email template variables you can use. You can also add your own custom email templates for use when mass-emailing members from backend/admin_email.php as TEMPLATENAME.txt files.

  3. Create a directory named backend on your fanlisting’s directory or fanlisting root, e.g., if your fanlisting is at, you should create Of course, if you have decided to rename your admin panel directory to something else, replace backend with the appropriate name.
  4. Upload everything into /backend (including folders under it).
  5. Go to /backend/install.php and follow instructions.
  6. Delete install.php
  7. If you want to enable affiliates, create a directory /affiliates inside your fanlisting root directory. (It should be of the same level as /backend.) CHMOD the directory to 755. (If you come across problems uploading the images, you may temporarily change the settings to 777 but you must change it back to 755 as leave it CHMODed to 777 is extremely dangerous.)
  8. Customize/include the necessary PHP files into your FL site (see Usage and Customization).