Scripts update, and the move to GitHub

Entry posted on 2011-03-01 10:15 am

A couple of weeks back, I finally caved and got myself a GitHub account and uploaded my work there. In addition to all of that, all scripts currently found here have been moved to GPLv3 licensing, with pretty much no changes save for a couple things with Enthusiast.

If you’re interested in the Enthusiast changes, if Enth works for you now, you don’t have a reason to update to 3.1.16. However, if you have been keen on getting it to work with WordPress, this will help with that. I am still testing out a barebones WordPress plugin, but hopefully I’ll get it tested well enough and put that up as well (likely GitHub and not the WordPress plugin directory, but we’ll see).

For most of you, the change of licensing does not mean a thing. You will still be able to use Enthusiast for whatever use you may see fit. For some of you who like to tinker with code, well, this means you can modify and release your modified version of Enthusiast (under the same license), provided I am credited.

Moving forward, I will be updating Indiscripts and removing the downloadable files from here soon, while everything else continuous on at GitHub–with the username angelasabas (please note, I am not the usual angelamaria on there!). You can download the scripts by clicking on the “Downloads” button on the project page. Separate upgrade zips are not needed nor available–config file samples have been renamed for your overwriting pleasure (and safety).

If you’re interested in finding out why and how this change came about, I’ve just posted about it on my blog. :)

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4 comments to “Scripts update, and the move to GitHub”

  1. Azurite

    Now that you’re on GitHub, does that mean folks that “remix” Enthusiast or make add-ons for it will have to link to the GitHub site somehow, or make it so it’s findable from that page?

    I ask mainly because I’ve been getting some spam membership requests lately, and the add-on that had previously been shared for that (I think) is no longer available on that site (

  2. Vix

    I’d be interested in trying out your WordPress plugin when it’s ready. I’ve got a joined listing working as a plugin (hooray for Custom Post Types) but integrating an owned listing site into WordPress has got me tearing out my hair.

  3. Tia

    A couple of things :)

    1) for 3.1.6 to work with wordpress, you need to find/replace the get_ancestors with enth_get_ancestors. Otherwise you get multiple errors.

    2) I may just be the (oblivious) exception, but it took me a couple of frustrating days to realize that you’re talking about 3.1.6 but the zip file for download here on this site is 3.1.5. It took a bit of searching on Github to find the zip file for the updated version as well.

    Vixx– My solution for getting Enth to work with wordpress–create page templates that have the framework of the layout you want, but replace the wordpress code with the Enth code in the content area. Then create your ‘joined’ ‘owned’ etc pages and assign the templates to those pages. ***

    Either make sure your navigation points to /owned/affiliates WITHOUT the .php at the end, because wordpress doesn’t assign endings to their pages for some reason OR find a plugin (or create one) that assigns that capability to wordpress pages. (There’s one called Dot HTML/PHP/etc pages in the wordpress plugin directory).

    *** It’s easier to just upload your ‘joined’ page separately to your server without messing with wordpress, because while the ‘show_owned’ page works, the template is not assigned to the individual categories. (hope that makes sense!)

    Also, I built a very simplistic layout–there’s no sidebar, the navigation is hand coded, etc. I don’t know yet if this will still work with more complex wordpress layouts and coding.

    Sorry to ramble on in your comment area, and hope this helps!

  4. Tia

    Okay, so delete the ‘2’ part of that comment. I’m totally BLIND….

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