Fanlisting Creation and Configuration

(This document pertains to Enthusiast 3.x and above only.)

This section will walk you through creating/adding an owned fanlisting in your Enthusiast installation. You do not need multiple installations of Enthusiast to run multiple fanlistings. In most cases, you can run a single Enthusiast installation even for fanlistings hosted in different domains.

  1. Go to setup.php in your Enth3 installation (i.e., go to http://yourdomain/enth3_admin_panel/setup.php, or you can access this via the Owned section) and install/create the fanlisting (follow instructions on the page). Take note of the Listing ID that is assigned to it upon creation.
  2. Open the config.php file that is *outside* the enth3/ directory in the Enthusiast archive file, and supply the proper database values of your Enthusiast installation, not your fanlisting database values. Uncomment the line below by deleting the two slashes before the line:
    // before:
    // $listing = 1;
    // after:
    $listing = 1;

    Change the value of $listing to the listing ID assigned to the listing in Step 1.

  3. Upload this file (config.php, with the uncommented $listing line) to your fanlisting root, where you want your fanlisting site to be in. This is the fanlisting directory, NOT the collective directory, and not the admin panel directory.

    Important note: Folders for your listings do not have to be inside the admin folder. They can be virtually anywhere.

  4. To show the members list, insert the PHP lines below into the PHP file where you want the list to show up (make sure the extension is .php or this will not work):
    <?php include 'config.php';
    include $path . 'show_sort.php';
    include $path . 'show_members.php'; ?>

    Optional: when sorting members either by country or an additional field, the value of the sort field (i.e., for sorting by country, the value “United States”) will be stripped from the members template. Therefore, if you have your fans listed as “Jane from United States”, viewing them all will show the proper phrase, but sorting by country will yield “Jane from” only. To prevent this, use these lines instead:

    <?php include 'config.php';
    include $path . 'show_sort.php';
    $show_sort_field = true;
    include $path . 'show_members.php'; ?>

    By default (as of Enthusiast 3.1.x), all members that fall under the visitor’s selected sorting criteria is shown — which also means that if the visitor did not select a sorting criteria, the list automatically shows ALL members (paginated, of course). If you have multiple sorting fields selected, i.e., you’re sorting first by “country”, then by “name”, when the visitor first enters the members list, he will get all members. If he sorts by country, i.e., all from the United States, he will get all members from the US, regardless of name. When he then sorts again by name like “Jane”, he will get all members from the US named Jane.

    If you wish to turn off this functionality — meaning, visitors must select options from every sorting level before being presented with a members list — you can add the following line in your snippet, just after including the config.php file:

    $hide_members_until_final = true;

    Of course, you may also choose not to sort your members list at all, and in that case you may add this line (make sure $hide_members_until_final is not in the snippet!):

    $no_sort = true;

    It is also possible to separate the sorting list and the members list (i.e., you want to show the countries list as a bulletted list, but doing so will make the members page too long, so you want the countries list on one page and the members list on another). To do this, create a file, for example countries.php, and insert the PHP lines below into the PHP file where you want the countries list to show up (make sure the extension is .php or this will not work):

    <?php include 'config.php';
    include $path . 'show_sort.php'; ?>

    And then create another file, for example members.php, and insert the PHP lines below into the PHP file where you want the members list to show up (make sure the extension is .php or this will not work):

    <?php include 'config.php';
    include $path . 'show_members.php'; ?>

    After that, make sure that the value of the list page in the Enth admin
    panel for that listing is set to members.php, NOT countries.php.

  5. To show the join form, insert the PHP lines below into the PHP file where you want the form to show up (make sure the extension is .php or this will not work):
    <?php include 'config.php';
    include $path . 'show_join.php'; ?>
  6. To show the update form, insert the PHP lines below into the PHP file where you want the form to show up (make sure the extension is .php or this will not work):
    <?php include 'config.php';
    include $path . 'show_update.php'; ?>
  7. To show the lost password form, insert the PHP lines below into the PHP file where you want the form to show up (make sure the extension is .php or this will not work):
    <?php include 'config.php';
    include $path . 'show_lostpass.php'; ?>
  8. To show the listing statistics, insert the PHP lines below into the PHP file where you want the stats to show up (make sure the extension is .php or this will not work):
    <?php include 'config.php';
    include $path . 'show_stats.php'; ?>
  9. To show the listing affiliates, insert the PHP lines below into the PHP file where you want the stats to show up (make sure the extension is .php or this will not work):
    <?php include 'config.php';
    include $path . 'show_affiliates.php'; ?>