Enthusiast Road Map
This is the road map/features implementation plan I am currently following. Please note that this is highly volatile, and may be shuffled around as I see fit. This is mostly a checklist of what I hope to be doing with Enthusiast in the future — naturally I’ve taken off features that’s already been implemented.
3.1.1 plans
- amend image upload problems somehow
- allow setting up PEAR Mail via the admin panel
- XHTML 1.0 Strict compliance (maybe checkbox?)
Addon plans:
- Members import/export using CSV
3.2.0 plans
- Plugin support (maybe)
- Member search in panel
- Member search in site
- Custom listing statuses
- Create custom hashing of password
- Better security for sensitive data — encryption?
- Redo error logging, use set_error_handler()
- Improve persistent login implem, use settings table
- Optional getimagesize in affiliates (speed up affiliates?)
- Process checkboxes in join/update forms
- Ability to customize update forms’ additional fields
- Fanlisting info snippets
- Updates log (maybe?)
- Sorting by name should produce sorting by first letter of names
Plugins to create:
- Akismet, optional per-fanlisting
- Code manager
3.3.0 plans
- Abstracted database connection and retrieval
- Optional caching of results (maybe)
4.0 plans
- PHP5 requirement :p
- MySQL 4.1 requirement :p
- Translation options (maybe?)