More about Enthusiast
Enthusiast currently is a two-part system, combining a listing collective system and the listing management system. The features for both integrated parts is below. To see the features of Enthusiast 2.x, which is very different from the nature of the features of Enth3, please click here.
Online demos
I have finally set up online demos for both 2.x and 3.x versions of Enthusiast. These demos have been “crippled” — for both, emails will not be sent out; and for 3.x, certain portions of the admin panel is inaccessible/crippled, which includes the settings section, fanlisting setup/addition, and fanlisting database settings.
These demos will reset their data everyday at 3am.
- Enthusiast 2.x
- Fanlisting:
- Admin panel: (password:
- Enthusiast 3.x
- Collective:
- Fanlisting:
- Admin panel: (password:
Collective Features:
- Setup/install individual listings within the same single interface
- Customized, multi-level categories
- Insert/edit/delete joined listings, has fields for
- Subject
- Multiple categories
- Description
- Comments (admin-viewable only)
- Image
- Status (Pending membership/Approved membership)
- Insert/edit/delete owned listings, has fields for
- Title
- Subject
- Multiple categories
- Description
- Image
- Status (Pending/Upcoming/Current)
- Collective statistics
- Searching for joined/owned listings in admin interface
- Customizable joined/owned list templates
- Integrated affiliates system, has fields for
- Title
- Affiliate email
- Image
- Email all or individual affiliates
- Optional affiliate emailing upon addition to collective
- Unlimited email templates for collective-wide (even for listings) use
- Settings stored in database and updatable in admin interface
- Database error logging
- Neglected listings notification
Listing Features
- Includes The Fanlistings Network required fields Name, Email, and Country, and additional fields such as
- Password (MD5-encrypted in database for security)
- Website URL
- Show/Hide Email
- Show/Hide Website URL (admin-editable only)
- Comments (not stored in database)
- Multiple Customizable Fields (toggable on/off, as many as needed)
- Single admin interface for all listings
- Change listing type (fan-, hate-, clique, etc) in the admin interface easily
- Turn off country field if needed
- Optional integrated affiliates system, of the same specifics as the collective affiliates
- Sort members list in any way and in multiple levels using the additional customized fields (default by country)
- Customize emails sent out from fanlisting via templates and special variables editable in the admin interface
- Put member updates on hold (will place members who update their information back to ‘pending’ status)
- Turn off auto-emailing of owner upon member addition or member update
- Fully customizable members list, affiliates list, and listing statistics
- Collective email templates can be used for listings as well
- Single-click membership approval (single or multiple)
- Member search in admin system
- Emailing of members upon joining (optional), upon approval, and upon their changing of information (automated)
- Ability to mass email/email members individually via the admin system
- Owner-only capability of “hiding” website urls of members but retaining the URL recorded in the database
- Supports resetting of passwords in case a member forgets his/her password
- Auto-capitalization of names
- Checks if a valid email address is used to join
- Automatically appends ‘http://’ to the front of a website URL if it is not present
- Spam-protected member emails if shown on member list
- XHTML 1.0 Transitional-friendly