Alpha testing of Enthusiast 3.1.3

Entry posted on 2007-09-07 9:26 pm

The upcoming bugfix release of Enthusiast is really more like a delayed feature release. As such, the changes are somewhat significant (compared to previous bugfix releases) and so I’m doing an alpha test on my own websites at Aking Mahal. If while visiting the websites, you see any problems (especially with sending/receiving mail), please let me know! ♥

This test will continue for about a week before I release this bugfix. Just a heads up!

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2 comments to “Alpha testing of Enthusiast 3.1.3”

  1. Kaorin

    i always see this:

    Warning: escapeshellcmd() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/harenchi/public_html/enth3/Mail/sendmail.php on line 111

    Warning: escapeshellcmd() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/harenchi/public_html/enth3/Mail/sendmail.php on line 129

    when i approved or join one of my fanlistings

  2. Angela

    Hello Kaorin,

    Sorry but I don’t do support for Enthusiast on comments or via personal email, please head on to CodeGrrl. To briefly answer your query, however, it’s a difference in the settings of your server that causes problems with the current Mailer Enth uses. A workaround for this should be forthcoming.

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