SiteSkin 3.3 released

Entry posted on 2007-05-21 6:58 pm

It’s been a while since SiteSkin was updated, so now I bring to you SiteSkin 3.3. These are relatively minor changes and tweaks. The changes are:

  1. Allowed automatic usage of PHP header and footer files
  2. Suppressed errors when header/footer files are absent
  3. Added a debug mode which will show errors
  4. Cleaning of GET and COOKIE strings added (not when parsing site URLs)
  5. Removed border="0" in thumbnails to allow for XHTML Strict validation
  6. Added title attribute to thumbnails
  7. Iframes have been discontinued (sorry!)

I guess the biggest change that might impact people would be the last item. I have always felt very guilty about including iframe support, as I personally don’t use them and I can’t test them very well. Hence they have been taken out of the script. SiteSkin 3.2.1 should still be alright for those who are using iframes and don’t need the above features. :)

Please feel free to leave your comments on this entry!

Site back up, phpSiteSkin renamed

Entry posted on 2005-10-22 10:17 pm

Finally put Indiscripts back up! I apologize profusely for having it down for almost two months. I went through a server move and, idiot as I am, didn’t back up my files and my databases. ;_; Hence this is an almost all-new site — the biggest hit would probably be the FAQ pages, sigh.

Again, I apologize. If you see anything wrong with the site, please let me know!

What’s notable about this update, however, is that I updated phpSiteSkin — I renamed the script to plain “SiteSkin”, plus fixed a bug that Mia found. :) Also, uploaded a new page for Enth: Future Features. :)

phpSiteSkin 3.2

Entry posted on 2004-10-03 10:09 pm

Finally “released” phpSiteSkin 3.2 as non-beta. :) Nothing has changed from 3.2-beta2, so if you’re using that version, you don’t need to upgrade.

Also reuploaded Kyrie’s tableless mod. :)

Second phpSiteSkin beta, more Enth screenshots

Entry posted on 2004-09-13 10:05 pm

Uploaded a second beta version of phpSiteSkin 3.2, hopefully it will fix/explain bugs like the default skin feature not working, the skins won’t stick, etc. :) Please let me know if you still find any bugs!

Also, I’ve uploaded big/clear screenshots of the Enthusiast 3 admin panel, if anyone’s curious what it looks like. These caps are here.


Entry posted on 2004-08-22 9:57 pm

I have recently revamped my downloads script. Some of the features of the older scripts are either impossible to implement well or have not yet been implemented, but everything now works as fine, I hope. If you come across bugs, please let me know.

Also, I have released phpSiteSkin 3.2 for beta testing. :) The new features are as follows:

  • Use of iframe layouts possible: changes layout for both main layout and within the iframe
  • Error-checking for possible additional non-folder files in the skins directory
  • Optionally allows the selection of a default skin
  • Show only skin thumbnails and mandatory link
  • Checks if the skins that are trying to get loaded exists

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